Coffee with Friends + Bridge, Scrabble and More
Community Centre 401 11th Ave, Campbell RiverStart with coffee time, then stay for games like Scrabble and Euchre, and creative crafts. Explore the schedule for more details! ☕
Special Events and
From concerts to unique local experiences and even meteor showers.
Start with coffee time, then stay for games like Scrabble and Euchre, and creative crafts. Explore the schedule for more details! ☕
Youth 13-18 can come do some art, play a board or card game, use one of the laptops provided, or just hang out.
Experience an unforgettable night with spectacular tributes to Roy Orbison and Elvis Presley—live music magic awaits!
Find thing to do: Kids Activities | Comedy Shows
Also: see our list of venues in Campbell River.